Child Custody and Child Support Modifications
While signing a divorce and custody settlement may feel like a final, permanent agreement, that’s not always the case. It’s possible that as your children have gotten older, their needs may change.
Child Support Payment and Timing
Child support payment is an issue many going through a divorce struggle with. In the state of Texas, child support may be ordered in three different scenarios.
Strategies for Co-parenting
Every child is different and will respond differently to the divorce or separation of their parents. And though the impact of a divorce on a child is significant, rest assured, it can be overcome.
Same-Sex Couples’ Child Custody Issues
Parental rights are established fairly easily in the case of heterosexual couples, whether or not the couple is married.
Paternity Issues
The birth of a child can be an unexpected event, and many times the paternity of a child can be a contested issue. Paternity issues frequently arise for men in conjunction with the establishment of child support orders, or when accusations of infidelity are intertwined with a divorce action.
Interstate and International Child Custody and Support
Few things can make a parent feel more powerless than having a child relocated to a different state or country. The laws of other states and nations differ from Texas law, and can have an impact on your custody or support arrangement.
Grandparents’ Rights
The area of Grandparents’ Rights is an evolving concept in family law. At present, it is not impossible for a grandparent to obtain rights to his or her grandchild, but it is extremely difficult.
Fathers’ Rights in Texas
Simply put, a father’s right to act as a caring parent does not begin and end with marriage.
Child Relocation Cases
As our economy changes, more and more parents are faced with the decision of having to relocate across the state or country.