Children Divorce

Strategies for Co-parenting

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Every child is different and will respond differently to the divorce or separation of their parents. As a child develops into adulthood, he or she continues to adapt, which may cause repetitive grieving processes over the divorce. Recent studies have shown that 80% of children of divorce successfully adapt and do not face long-term difficulties in their employment, academics, relationships, and behaviors. Though the impact of a divorce on a child is significant, rest assured, it can be overcome.

Here are some ways in which you can help your child adapt to your separation or divorce:

  • Be cordial and address your child’s concerns
  • Set aside emotions and focus on your child
  • Purposefully communicate with your former spouse
  • Co-parent as a team
  • Develop smooth transitions between households

*This article is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed BurnettTurner attorney.

For more personalized information on how to navigate through your toughest family law issues, contact us today. We are confident that we can help you determine the best option for you and your family.
