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    for every area of
            FAMILY LAW.

Child Custody & Support

Protect And Preserve Your Relationship With Your Children.

All too often, the anger caused by divorce or separation leads to disputes that have an adverse effect on the children involved. In some instances, the ability to maintain a quality relationship with your child is used as a weapon or bargaining tool in a larger battle.

Our ability to set emotions aside and put your child’s best interests at the forefront of the discussion has helped us succeed in securing favorable custody and visitation terms for our clients. We believe that it’s always best for the child to resolve custody issues without contentious litigation. But when there is no other option, our experienced, battle-proven attorneys are ready to protect your right to play a meaningful role in your child’s life.

Our team has a proven record of helping clients achieve fair and balanced resolutions in areas such as:

  • Child custody
  • Custody modifications
  • Parenting plans
  • Child relocation and “move away” cases
  • Child support
  • International and interstate custody

If you want a fair agreement that helps protect and preserve the relationship you have with your children, don’t wait a moment longer. Contact our office today

When You’re Ready To TALK,
We’re Ready To LISTEN.

Talk to Us